Definition of traditional musical instrument Serune Kalee from Aceh

 Serune Kalee, is a traditional musical instrument in the form of a trumpet typical of Aceh with a shape similar to the clarinet structure. Usually Serune Kalee is played as the main instrument in a traditional musical performance in Aceh, accompanied by geundrang, rapai, and a number of other traditional instruments. This musical instrument is known mainly in the area of Pidie, North Aceh, Aceh Besar, and West Aceh.

Serune Kalee

Serune Kalee still plays a major role in Acehnese social rites as in Acehnese social rites, such as weddings, welcoming guests, or entertainment events. These instruments are classified into types of aerophones, or instruments that have a sound source from blowing air in the cavity.

 Meaning of Serune Kalee

Serune Kalee is derived from two words, namely (serune) which refers to the traditional instrument of Aceh, and (kalee) which is the name of the village in Laweung, Pidie Regency. So in simple terms, Serune Kalee can be interpreted as serunai/flute from the Kalee area. It is likely that the naming is associated with the appearance or place of making the serunai/flute.

In addition to this musical instrument in Aceh there are also Minangkabau community environment and religion. Serunee Kalee also bears similarities to some instruments from other countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. Similar instruments have a number of similarities in terms of pitch pitch, vibration, sound volume, and sound dynamics.

History and development of Serune Kalee

 Based on existing data, Serune Kalee has existed since the entry of Islam into Aceh. There are some who say that this instrument came from China (Z.H Idris, 1993: 48-49). Apart from various assumptions, historical facts show that Aceh in the past was a kingdom with a strategic location, as well as open, so that many relationships with various nations from outside. In its development, various acculturations that exist have given birth to a distinctive Acehnese art, which is dominant in the spirit of Islam.

Serune Kalee aceh

How To Make Serune Kalee

Serune Kalee is made of wood, where the wood chosen as the basic material is one that has a strong and hard character, as well as light. Before making, the wood is first soaked for three months. After the soaking phase is complete, then trim the wood until the remaining part is referred to as the’heart of wood'.

The heart of the wood is then drilled and bandaged to form a hole with a diameter of about 2 cm. After creating the cavity, the next stage is to make the holes of the tone, namely 6 holes in the face-top as the interval tone, and 1 hole below as a condition for the creation of a distinctive sound from the Serune Kalee.

Serune Kalee Form

The shape and shape of this equipment such as clubs, round, and straight starting from the upper limit (mondstuk) to the bottom (bell). The upper part of this apparatus is small and enlarged at the bottom. In the body or body there are holes as a place to play the desired tone.

This equipment has a black base color, this is likely caused by too much held or indeed the basic color of the Wood made for this equipment is black.

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