Explanation of traditional musical instruments kendang

 Explanation of traditional musical instruments kendangs. Kendang, kendhang, or commonly referred to as kendang is a musical instrument played in a way at hit. Usually played by hand or with a kendang bat. Almost all regions in Indonesia have kendangs with their own characteristics.


Kendang is also one of the instruments in the gamelan of Central Java which one of its main functions regulates the rhythm.


Here are the types of kendangs :

    - Small kendangs called ketipung

    - kendangs are being called kendangs ciblon / kebar.

    - Couple ketipung there is another called kendang Gedhe commonly called kendang kalih.

Kendang kalih is played on songs or Gendhing with smooth characters such as ketawang, gendhing kethuk kalih, and ladrang irama dadi. Can also be played quickly at the opening of the song type lancaran, ladrang rhythm responsibility. For wayangan there is another typical kendhang that is kendhang kosek.

 kendangs are mostly played by professional gamelan players, who have long been immersed in Javanese culture. Most kendangs are played according to the rider's instinct, so when played by one person with another person it will be different nuances.

Alat Music Kendang

Materials and manufacture of kendang

A good kendang is usually made of jackfruit wood, coconut or cempedak. The sides are covered with Buffalo and goat skins. Buffalo leather is often used for bam (the inner surface that emits low-pitched beats) while goatskin is used for chang (the outer surface that emits high-pitched beats).

There are leather straps in the form of" Y " or rattan rope. The strap can be tightened or loosened to change the basic tone. To raise the tone of voice can tighten the pull of his skin.

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