How to install automatic keywords on a Blog

 Keyword or Meta Keyword is one way to install keywords to be more easily known by google search engines in reading articles in blog posts. For bloggers, installing keywords is a must.


To simplify the work, here is a solution on how to install keyword otamatis on the blog, so you do not have to provide keywords on each article created. Well without wasting any more time, here are the steps on how to install oomatis keywords on a blog. Please listen!

For those of you who have never installed Meta tags, here are the steps to install them :

1. Select the "Edit HTML" Template

2. Next find the following code

     <title> < Data: blog.pageTitle/ > < / title>

3. Replace the code above with the code below

    < b:if cond='data: blog.url = = & quot ;;'>

    <title> < Data: blog.pageTitle/ > < / title>

    < meta name= 'DESCRIPTION' content= 'tips and tricks' / >

    < meta name= 'KEYWORDS' content= ' various tutorials/ > < / b:if>

    < b:if cond='data: blog.pageType = = & ldquo;item&rdquo;'>

    <title> < Data: blog.pageName/ > - < data: blog.title / > < / title>

    < meta expr: content= ' data: blog.pageName +", " + data: blog.title +", " + data: blog.pageName'name= 'Description'/>

    < meta expr: content= ' data: blog.pageName +", " + data: blog.title +", " + data: blog.pageName 'name= 'Keywords'/>

    < / B: if> 


"Replace the blue code with the address, description and keywords of your blog

4. Save Template

However, if you have previously installed meta tags. Here are the steps :

1. Select the "Edit HTML" Template

2. Find the code as below

    < b:if cond='data: blog.pageType = = "item"'>

    <title> < Data: blog.pageName / > / < data: blog.title / > < / title>

3. Delete and replace the code with the code in point 3 above

4. Save Template

So how to install automatic keywords on the blog, hopefully this rtikel can help and be useful for you. Thanks for the visit, good luck.

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