The origin of Ajisaka Ruler of the land of Java


 There was a king of the descendants of Prophet Ishmael named King Sakil who ruled the Kingdom of Najran. This king loved to trade across the sea by dressing up as a merchant. One day, the ship carrying King Sakil and his followers were destroyed by a storm. All passengers were killed, except King Sakil floating in the ocean holding on to a wooden board.


Batara Anggajali was sitting on the waves of the sea while doing the orders Batara master to make weapons heirloom kahyangan. When he saw King Sakil floating, he rushed to help and took him up to land.

After waking up from fainting, King Sakil thanked Batara Anggajali for help. They knew each other and told each other their origins. As an expression of gratitude, King Sakil begged strongly for Batara Anggajali sudi to stop in the Kingdom of Najran goods a few days.

Batara Anggajali did not have the heart to refuse. So with his power, he carried King Sakil and carried him flying in the air, so that in a moment they had reached the capital of the Kingdom of Najran.


 Prabu Sakil is very fond of Batara Anggajali and frankly wants to make him a son-in-law. At that time he had a teenage daughter named Dewi Saka who was about to be betrothed to the God of weapons.

Batara Anggajali accepted Prabu Sakil's proposal with pleasure. Then he married the Goddess. But he also could not leave the task given by Batara Guru for long. After the wife was pregnant, Batara Anggajali was asked to say goodbye back to the middle of the ocean to continue the manufacture of heirloom weapons. 


 It has been more than nine months pregnant, but Dewi Saka has not yet given birth. All kinds of treatment has been attempted by King Sakil but has not been successful. Until finally, the age of the womb reached two years, then Dewi Saka gave birth to a baby boy with pure white skin, with red eyes flashing. The baby was named Jaka Sengkala, because his birth was strange and not like other babies in general.

Since childhood, Jaka Sengkala has had privileges. He does not drink his mother's milk, but sucks his own fingertips. When he was eight years old he had completed all the knowledge taught by scholars. After growing up he also has various kinds of supernatural powers, including being able to fly in space.

One day Jaka sengkala asked his mother to tell him who his real father was. After being urged constantly, Dewi Saka finally told me, that Jaka Sengkala is actually the grandson of a god of weapons maker, named Batara Anggajali, which is currently above the Indian Ocean.

Jaka sengkala was very curious to see his father and could not be detained anymore. He also asked his grandfather and mother to go in search of Batara Anggajali. With a heavy heart of King Sakil and Dewi Saka also let go of Jaka Sengkala that they love so much and pray for him to always get the protection of Almighty God.


 Jaka sengkala flew away from the Kingdom of Najran and reached over the Indian Ocean. In the middle of the ocean he saw Batara Anggajali sitting quietly on the waves of the ocean while his hands worked to make heirloom weapons. Jaka sengkala believed that the man was his biological father and he immediately introduced himself. Knowing that the young man was the son of Dewi Saka, Batara Anggajali was very happy and accepted him as a son.

Jaka sengkala was very amazed to see the magic of his father in making weapons that do not use fire, but enough of his fingers to massage the Iron only. He also said he wanted to stay with his father. But Batara Anggajali said that Jaka sengkala should return to Najran only in order to live a noble life there as a king who would replace his grandfather. Jaka sengkala admitted that he did not like luxury and wanted to live as a disciple of his father only. Because for him, Batara Anggajali is the most powerful in the world.

Batara Anggajali rejected that assumption. He said that his father, or grandfather of Jaka Sengkala named Batara Ramayadi is much more powerful than him. If you make a weapon, Batara Ramayadi does not need to use hands but simply by looking at it, Steel will be soft by itself.

Jaka sengkala also discouraged the intention to study to his father and stated that he wanted to study only to his grandfather. Batara Anggajali let go of his son and show the direction to go if you want to meet Batara Ramayadi.


 Jaka Sengkala finally managed to find Batara Ramayadi who was sitting on the mega cloud was busy making various heirloom weapons. Without the need for Jaka sengkala to introduce himself, it turns out that Batara Ramayadi can already guess that he is his own grandson, the son of Batara Anggajali.

Jaka sengkala expressed his intention to learn to the grandfather who is considered the most powerful in the world. Now he saw with his own eyes how the grandfather made weapons without the need to use his hands. Simply by looking at it, all kinds of iron and steel will be soft by itself. However, Batara Ramayadi rejected the title of the most powerful, because he was just a master of weapons.

Barata Anggajali

The gods in Kahyangan Tengguru are much more powerful, and the most powerful is Batara Guru, the king of the gods. As for other gods who have supernatural powers equivalent to Batara Guru is his youngest son named Batara Vishnu.

Jaka Sengkala looks disappointed because his grandfather was not the most powerful. He then asked to go to Batara Wisnu. Batara Ramayadi allows and indicates the direction to be taken to the residence of Batara Vishnu.


 Thanks to the instructions of the grandfather, Jaka sengkala managed to find Mount Tengguru and arrived at kahyangan where Batara Wisnu lived. Without having to introduce himself, Batara Wisnu can guess the origin of Jaka Sengkala as well as knowing the feeling of disappointment in the young man's heart towards his father and grandfather who turned out to be not the most powerful man in the world. Jaka sengkala was very happy to see Batara Wisnu's cleverness in guessing the origins and contents of his heart. He also said he wanted to learn from him. Batara Wisnu said that if Jaka Sengkala wants to become a student, he must be able to adjust to his life behavior.

Jaka sengkala stated that he was ready to adjust to Batara Wisnu's behavior. Batara Vishnu also tested Jaka sengkala. In an instant Batara Vishnu's body had disappeared from view and then collapsed into the bowels of the Earth, after which it flew into space, and landed at the North Pole, then headed to the South Pole in an instant. Surprisingly, wherever Batara Wisnu goes, Jaka Sengkala can always accompany him.

Batara Vishnu said that Jaka Sengkala no longer need to learn magic because basically he has been magic since birth. Batara Vishnu also explained that in this world there is no creature that has the most perfect supernatural power, because the perfect is only a perfect God. So, the highest degree of science is not the science of magic that makes man invincible, but the science that makes man closer to the Almighty God. That is the science of perfection that should be learned and practiced.

Jaka sengkala also asked Batara Vishnu to teach the knowledge of perfection so that he could approach the Almighty God. Batara Wisnu suggested that Jaka sengala study to his friend only named Reverend Usmanaji in the Kingdom of the Children of Israel. Jaka sengkala obeyed and set out towards the direction indicated to him.


 Jaka Sengkala finally met with the Reverend Usmanaji and told what Batara Vishnu told him. Reverend Usmanaji was pleased to accept him as a disciple and taught him various kinds of Science and the essence of truth.

After learning all the knowledge from the master, Jaka sengkala turned into a humble figure and no longer arrogant as before. Reverend Usmanaji predicted that one day Jaka Sengkala would be a man chosen by God to fill the island of Java with human inhabitants. Jaka Sengkala is also predicted to gain immortality thanks to drinking Tirtamarta Kamandanu in the Land of Lulmat, but the time is still long.

Reverend Usmanaji suggested that at this time Jaka Sengkala went to Surati Kingdom to meet his father while waiting for God's further Destiny. Apparently Pastor Usmanaji got the news that Batara Guru was very happy to see the work of Batara Anggajali in creating weapons kahyangan, so that Jaka sengkala's father also received a gift in the form of Surati Kingdom.

Jaka sengkala followed the advice of the teacher. With a heavy heart he also asked goodbye. Reverend Usmanaji released the departure of his student and predicted that someday they would meet again on the island of Java, which is located across the Southeast.


 From the Kingdom of the Children of Israel to the Kingdom of Surati, Jaka Sengkala no longer flew in the sky as it had been, but preferred to walk along the land route. Arriving at the intended place, he was warmly welcomed by his father, namely Batara Anggajali. At that time Batara Anggajali had become king with the title King Iwasaka.

Jaka Sengkala was appointed as The Crown Prince of Surati Kingdom with the title Raden Ajisaka.

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