Batik Kawung the oldest traditional batik in Indonesia

Batik Kawung the oldest traditional batik in Indonesia

 Kawung batik Motif is believed to have been created by one of the Sultans of Mataram, and is one of the members of the Larangan Motif in addition to 7 (seven) other Larangan motifs such as machetes, broken machetes, Cemukiran, Sawat, Udan lyrical, cement, and Alas-reason.

Batik Indonesia

Kawung also includes a very old design, consisting of interssected circles. Kawung Batik Motif known in Java since the 13th century that appears on the wall carvings on some temples / temples in Java, such as Prambanan and Kediri area. For many years, this patra was protected only for the Royal Family of the Kraton. Circles, sometimes filled with two or more crosses or other ornaments such as intersecting lines or dots.

At first kawung batik was only used among the royal family, but after the Mataram state was divided into two, namely Surakarta and Yogyakarta, then kawung batik was worn by different groups. In Surakarta kawung batik is used by punakawan pangakat and abdi Dalem jajar priyantaka, while in Yogyakarta kawung batik is used by sentana dalem.

There are several types of kawung batik motifs, including kawung picis, kawung bribil, and kawung sen. Kawung picis is taken from the name of the 10-cent denomination, kawung bribil is taken from the name of the 25-cent denomination, while fortunately kawung sen is taken from the name of the 1-cent denomination.

The word kawung itself can be connected with the word kwangwung, which is a kind of shiny and beautiful brown insect. The word kawung can also mean a kind of palm tree, palm or fruit of palm trees (kolang-kaling). The shape is a cross section (slices) of the fruit that shows the oval shape of the four seeds. Some argue that the composition of the fruit seeds is a simplification of the 4 petals of a lotus flower (lotus) that is blooming or also a development of fish scales.

As we know the palm fruit or kolang-kaling, the fruit is white which is hidden behind the hard skin. This in Javanese society contains the philosophy that our kindness does not need to be known by others. In addition, the palm tree from the top (the tip of the leaf) to the root is very useful for human life, be it stems, leaves, SAP, and fruit.

It requires that human beings can be useful to anyone in their lives, be it in the life of society, nation, and state. Another meaning contained in this kawung motif is that humans who use this kawung motif can become ideal or superior humans and make their lives meaningful.

Batik Motif Kawung Semar

 According to the classification, kawung batik belongs to a group of geometric motifs whose characteristic motifs are easily arranged, divided into a unity of motifs or patterns that are intact and complete.

In terms of Understanding The Shape of the kawung batik motif is a batik motif that is composed of an oval or elliptical round shape, the arrangement is elongated according to the diagonal oblique left and right alternating and stacked repeatedly.

Batik Kawung

One of the motifs that is a modification of the kawung motif is the ceplok motif. This motive is connected with the belief of the Javanese (Kejawen) is the recognition of the existence of power that governs the universe.

Here The King is considered as the incarnation of the gods, and in carrying out the governance of the king surrounded by his aides, namely the regents. The Javanese interpret this as”Qibla papat limo pancer". Four round motifs which are four symbols and fraternities, and one central point motif is considered to be the center of power of the universe.

Thus, the kawung batik motif consisting of four Oval circles with its center point in the middle is a symbol of the unity of all people, nature and belief and combines all eight elements of a single unity in harmony. Besides, it is the people's determination to serve the king or queen, because the king is considered as the incarnation of a God who is the center of power in the world.

In kawung batik coloring is not limited to three colors (brown, white and black or blue) but is based on its philosophical form. This is specifically associated with each cardinal direction which has the following "Magic" color symbol:

- White color symbol of honesty (mutmainah) and east direction. East direction implies as a source of life energy, because the direction where the sun rises.

- The Black color of the symbol of AngKar murka (lauwamah)from the North. The north direction means the direction of maturity.

- Yellow color symbol budi baik (supiah)from the West. The western direction implies a reduced source of energy, due to the place where the sun sets.

- Red color symbol of anger (anger)from the South. The southern direction implies the peak of everything, connected with zenith.

In another sense it is explained that the color red as a high morale and daring. White color as purity, clean and honest. Black color as Tranquility, steadfast and peaceful, and yellow color as lighting

Basically that classic batik can show signs for a person about his status. In kawung batik the sign is a picture of motifs and colors that contain philosophical meaning. Therefore, to know the role of semiotics in kawung batik, it is necessary to study based on the aspects contained in the three relationships, namely objects, media and interpretation.

Baju Motif batik kawung


 In kawung batik, there is an aspect of symbol, which is a sign system that leads to an understanding related to certain conventions at that time. Symbol on batik kawung can be interpreted as a form of form that has a certain purpose in expressing things that are not visible.

The purpose and purpose of the creation of motifs in kawung batik is based on the existence of a "sense of worship" (prostrate), educate patient, careful, thorough, diligent and do good.


In kawung batik there is a quali-sign aspect, namely the appearance of the physical quality of The Shape of the kawung motif and its color and materials used. Understanding the motif on batik kawung is based on palm trees whose fruit is called "kolang-kaling", and lotus flowers that have an oblong spherical shape of four fruits plus a point in the middle as the center.

The color consists of three colors, namely white which means honesty, Brown means patience and blue wedel means nobility. The material is made of fine mori as a deep sinjangan fabric that Java is called jarit.


 In kawung batik there is a disent aspect that gives a sign as a meaning to something that can and cannot be. This is related to the use of kawung batik, which is entitled to wear it is the palace courtiers kinasih, meaning servants who are close to the king or the King's family.

Baju Motif batik kawung pria

From lowly servants (emban and punakawan) to those domiciled tumenggung, and used in certain activities such as ritual ceremonies and wedding receptions.

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that in batik kawung there are symbols or signs that indicate something that is transcendent. The symbol can not be understood literally, but it contains a symbol of the aspects of Divinity, philosophy of life and the concept of harmony of life. This is a better life harmony between the worldly life and the life of the hereafter.

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