Ludruk - Traditional theater art from East Java

 Definition Ludruk Traditional Theater - Etymologically, the word ludruk comes from the words molo-molo and gedrak - gedruk. Molo-molo means that his mouth is full of  tobacco that is about to spit out and come out the words that bring the song, and dialogue. While gedrak-gedruk means stomping feet when dancing on the stage.

Ludruk Arts

Another opinion says that ludruk comes from the words gela-gelo and gedrak-gedruk. Gela-gelo means shaking his head when dancing, and gedrak-gedruk means stepping on the stage when dancing.

When adjusted, the two opinions have the same understanding, namely verbalization of words and visualization of motion. In other words, there are elements of singing (kidung) and elements of dance or elements of language and movement.

The language or verbal element in ludruk consists of two kinds of verbal forms, namely singing (kidungan) and narrative. While the elements of movement can be in the form of dance when idolizing and acting when playing tasks on the stage.

The definition of Ludruk is a traditional drama art demonstrated by an art group that is held on a stage by taking fairy tales of everyday folk life, business tales and so on interspersed with dances, jokes, songs and accompanied by gamelan as music.

Ludruk word comes from the Dutch language is “Loedruck” which means a spectacle.

According to another version, the word ludruk is an absorption from the holland language “namely "leuk en druk" which means having fun while watching a performance.

Historically the development of ludruk stems from the art of bandhan. This bandhan art shows a homogeneous exhibition of magical power and immunity with an emphasis on inner strength. Then metamorphosed lerok art pioneered by Mr. Santik from Jombang.

Lerok word taken from the word lira, which is a musical instrument shaped like a lute (cimplung siter) plucked while humming reveals the contents of the heart. At that time, Mr. Santik decorated himself by doodling his face, using a headband, shirtless, wearing black pants, and wearing a shawl as sampur.

In performing art lerok that Mr. Santik utilizing the sounds of his mouth as a musical accompaniment. Gradually, lerok performed using gendhang used as cimplung (a kind of ketipung) and jidhor (large tambur).

Then, there was the addition of players, became three people and there arose a new name, namely art made. The name is taken from the name of the main Film player, namely Pak Besut. The other players were nicknamed Asmonah (Besut's wife) and uncle Jamino.

Besut also comes from the Javanese language of mbesut which means to clean the dirty or smooth or review. As for what is cleaned, smoothed, and reviewed is the content of the show. Starting from a very simple form, improved so that it is better, so that the implied meaning can be reviewed by the audience. 

Besut is also an abbreviation of mbeto intents (carrying intents). The purpose brought is the content of the show, which is contained in the song, clothing, dialogue, and story.

Art form made again transformed into art ludruk in the form of theatricality with an increasing number of figures. This form still retains the characteristic ludruk like dance ngremo, kidungan, slapstick, and fairy tale.

Art ludruk experienced two periods, namely the tobongan period where ludruk players moved from one village to another to “ngamen” with time that undoubtedly depends on the enthusiasm of the local population, the number of players is approximately 40 people.

Furthermore, the teropan period (java= ditanggap) where the ludruk players were called to entertain when there was a celebration, the number of players was approximately 70 people (including dancers and gamelan musicians).

Ludruk Function

Ludruk is an art performance whose main function is as a media of public entertainment. In addition ludruk also serves as a disclosure of the atmosphere of community life. In addition, this art is also often used as a distribution of social criticism of the government situation and also the public dilemma that occurs.

Ludruk art is thought to be a folk culture that was born to "rebel" the model of Palace and Palace arts such as wayang and ketoprak whose story is too elite and does not touch the people.

Ludruk stories generally raise the case of everyday life of small people with the use of a more populist language or equivalent and seem “rude” without upload-unguh (east java language) when compared with the language used in puppetry or ketoprak.


At the time of the revolution, ludruk not only serves as a means of entertainment but also a means of communication between underground fighters with the people who witnessed it.

In Japanese times ludruk art served as a medium of criticism of the government. This is seen especially in ludruk Cak Durasim which is popular with parikan " Pagupon omahe dara, melok Nippon tambah sengsoro”.

With a similar parikan that Cak Durasim turned out to be successful in arousing people's unhappiness towards Japan. Cak Durasim was arrested and died in Japanese custody.

Characteristic Of Ludruk

    - The ludruk show does not use a script. Ludruk's strength is in improvising every play or player.

    - There are female actors played by men.

    - There is chanting song of Jula-juli, both in Remo dance, bedayan dance, slapstick, and story.

    - Musical accompaniment in the form of gamelan barreled slendro or pelog.

    - The show opened with Ngremo dance.

    - There is a Bedayan scene.

    - There is a dish / scene joke / slapstick.

    - There is a parody interlude.

    - The story is taken from the story of everyday folk tales, historical tales, and is an expression of everyday life.

    - Fashion customize fairy tales to be staged.

    - The language is adapted to the play that is staged, can be in the form of Javanese (east java), madura, and Indonesian.

Ludruk art performance structure

    1. Opening, filled with dance attractions Remo men and women. Remo dancers usually sing the song Jula-juli.

    2. Furthermore, the Bedayan dance, in the form of a display of some parodies with light dancing while singing the Jula-juli song.

    3. Then the attraction of jokes in the form of a comedian who sings a song Jula-July followed by several other comedians. They then dialogue with humorous material.

    4. Presentation of the play or story. This part is the essence of staging. It is usually divided into several acts and each act is further divided into several scenes. In between these pieces are usually filled with a distraction by chanting a song Jula-juli.

Difference between Ludruk and Ketoprak

One of the differences is the ludruk story tells about the story of everyday human life which is usually from the little wong. While ketoprak stories are often taken from the story of the ancients (history and fairy tales), and are eager to convey a certain message to the audience.

Ludruk Arts


Definition ludruk is a traditional drama art from East Java demonstrated by an art group that dipergelarkan on a stage by taking stories about everyday people's lives, stories of struggle, and so on interspersed with jokes and accompanied by gamelan music.

Remo dance is the opening dance of a ludruk performance and will usually be interspersed with the performance of a character who plays "Pak Sakera", a hero from Madura.

The dialogue or monologue in ludruk art is entertaining and uses the typical language of Surabaya, although sometimes there are guest stars from other regions such as Jombang, Malang, Madura, Madiun with different accents. The straightforward language used in ludruk, makes it easily absorbed by all communities.


Understanding ketoprak is a performing art originating from Java that contains plays interspersed with Javanese songs and gamelan music (in Javanese called Kethoprak).

The theme of the story in a ketoprak show is usually taken from the legend or history of Java. Many stories are taken from abroad. Ketoprak is different from wayang orang because the theme of ketoprak story is not taken from Ramayana and Mahabharata.

At this time there has been a new genre of art called Ketoprak Ketoprak Humor aired on one television station. In this type of ketoprak pentasan, there are a lot of humor elements that invite laughter from the audience.

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