Lohe Valley and Lake Tanralili Gowa

 Lohe Valley and Lake Tanralili Gowa - Lohe Valley and Lake Tanralili like husband and wife who can not be separated, because these two places side by side and very suitable as a natural tourist destination for you lovers of adventure and beautiful outdoors.

Lohe Valley and Lake Tanralili Gowa

This place is a place that is near the most popular mountain in Gowa, namely on Mount Bawakaraeng, many adventurers say that the Lohe Valley and Lake Tanralili is a beauty at the foot of Mount Bawakaraeng, after the very famous Ramma Valley.

Tanralili Lake is located adjacent to the Lohe Valley, therefore I put it together in one writing. Lohe Valley and Tanralili Gowa Lake are located in Lengkese Village. Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

In Lake Tanralili you will be able to enjoy the beautiful natural lake that you can use sebegai place to calm the heart, can also be a place to camp with friends on the edge of the lake. and also can be used as a gathering place and enjoy nature together your group.

To reach Lake Tanralili you have to travel to Gowa regency, Sul-Sel, precisely in the village of Lengkese, after that you have to do a little extreme,challenging and also a little climbing. In addition,the road here was winding, climbing and descending the mountain.

It will make you tired and sweaty, but tired and tired you will pay off when you get to Lake Tanralali, do not forget to take pictures on this beautiful Lake. The water that flows into Lake Tanralili is a waterfall that is near this lake, you can take a shower and refresh yourself there.

One more unique thing in Lake tanralili, you can do fishing activities in this lake, and if you are lucky you will get a lot of fish that can be directly cooked and eaten.

After you enjoy the beautiful Lake Tanralili you can immediately continue the journey to the Lohe Valley. Lohe Valley is no less good than Ramma Valley', because lohe Valley also provides beautiful scenery and large fields overgrown with green grass, not good to be used as a camp location during student activities,education,and nature holidays with friends.

 To be able to reach the Lohe Valley, you have to travel the same as a trip to Lake Tanralili because the place is close, you will meet Lake tanralili first, then the lohe Valley. But on this occasion after reading someone's travel report on facebook about his trip to Lohe Valley, I will try to imagine to explain the exact road to Lohe Valley.

First you have to go to Gowa regency, South Sulawesi, then to lengkese village, after that you will see a signboard that says "appeal to report for those who want to do activities here", now you have to report to the hamlet priest's house, his name is Daeng Tawang, but you should call him Tata, he is friendly and good to talk to.

After that you will fill in the guest book, you can park your motorcycle at tata's house, or in the landslide disaster supervisor building which is approximately 50 meters from Tata tawang's House.

After that you will pass by the river, from this trip you will see the ridge of the Ramma Valley' and from the view of this place I mean you can see talung, you can continue the journey of approximately 1 and a half hours you will arrive at Lake tanralili.

After that you can continue the journey again to the Lohe Valley, now you arrive at a place where you can release fatigue, and feel the beauty and greatness of the Almighty's creation at the foot of Mount bawakaraeng.

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